Le Grand Marché Rive Sud

LogoGMRS Opened in April 2014, Le Grand Marché Rive-Sud is the largest indoor flea market on the South Shore of Montreal, with over 130 shops and merchants, over 70,000 Square Feet, you have the largest selection and variety Products and services.

Le Grand Marché Rive-Sudpromotesdiversity andwide range ofproducts and servicesin one place.We focus our efforts toour customersby findingmerchantswith qualityproductsat verygoodcompetitive prices.

Le Grand Marché Rive-Sud does not allowtoo manydealerswith the sametype of productso that thereishealthy competitionand that eachstoremerchantorwinner.



(514) 290-7017


Opening Hours:

Thursday - Friday:  10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:
10:00 am - 5:00 pm



3386 boulevard Taschereau, Greenfield Park, Quebec J4V2H7


This week sales

" The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her." - Marcelene Cox